A History of the Order


Nearly a hundred years ago in the halcyon days of 1921 two stalwarts met at a cricket match at Lord’s. One was George Hickson, a purveyor of stocks and shares, the other Harman Hargreaves, a ‘sapper’ of some kind. What took place at this meeting history does not record, but we know that from these two fertile brains emerged an idea.

The idea was to form a brotherhood of all men of good repute who (to quote from the book of rules) ‘had made a damn stupid mistake, been badly done, or lived lives of crass buffoonery’. It has been said that to err is human – so it not strange that most men are eligible under one of these three headings. We have our doubts about the ability of anyone to live a life of crass buffoonery in these austere times, but even so, some are sure to qualify in this category.

In the fullness of time it would come to pass that the ‘Almost Modern Order of Purchasers’ was founded.

But is it modern?

In some ancient scripts the following has been found:         ‘Bruthrude Purchasas’

This may verily mean that the Brotherhood is a very old one indeed; the first word speaks for itself, the second one, we are credibly assured is ancient Chaldean:

P                               Standing for Produxon produced or founded
UR                            Ur, the City of the
CH                            Chaldeans
ASAS or ASSES,     a period of time corresponding to the first part of our fourth month

In other words, a Brotherhood was founded in the ancient city of Ur of the Chaldeans early in the month of April, which was called ‘Purchasers’. This might, of course, be verified in the British Museum, and those not already Members of the Brotherhood are invited to investigate.

The Brotherhood is ruled by King Purchaser (Harson) – a combination of the Founders’ names – with a body Known as ‘King Purchasers on-the-Court’.

These are men of high estate in the Order. Next in precedence some ‘King Purchasers’, who are each given a district which they control and to whom is given the power of creating further brothers who qualify for admittance to the Order under the aforementioned rules.

The Office of Chief Crook, F.O. (which stands for Fairly Honest) combines the work of Treasurer and Secretary. The appointment was originally “Chief Crook and Bottlewasher”, but the latter duties became altogether too arduous and by decree of the Court the style “Chief Crook” was sanctioned.

Then come the Brethren.

For several years the Society prospered and grew stronger, and the Brethren had a lot of amusement out of their associates and the Society as it then stood.

Time came, however, when one of the great brains of the movement suggested that as a slight thanksgiving for the fun that had been had, a small donation to charity might be made by the Brothers. It was considered that a suitable way of accumulating a fund would be for all to put aside their ‘Bun Pennies’ and at given intervals to hand them in to Headquarters. This ‘Bun Penny’ collection became a great institution and it was decided to endow cots in hospitals of Great Britain with the accumulated funds. In passing, we wonder if Queen Victoria would have been ‘amused’ at the name by which coins of the realm of the early part of her reign were known. That these ‘Bun Pennies’ are somewhat of a rarity these days is no doubt attributable to the vast quantities collected by the Brotherhood.


In April 1938 the first ‘St. Harson Cot’ was endowed in St. Thomas’s Hospital. The dedication service was spoken by the Padre of the Hospital and was attended by King Purchaser and the Chief Crook, F.O. After the service, the following words were spoken by King Purchaser:

We are King Purchaser and in unveiling this tablet over the first St. Harson Cot, we wish its present occupant, and all future occupants, God’s greatest gift, the gift of happiness’

In the years prior to the war, cots were presented as follows:

November 1938:
Bolton Infirmary

January 1939:
Waifs and Strays Society, St. Peter and St. Paul Home, Bellingham.


During that spot of bother, the Brotherhood was carried on principally at Headquarters by our indefatigable and unconquerable Chie Crook, King Purchaser – JP Hall, F.O.

The war passed and with it many of our beloved Brethren.

Further cots had been presented in January 1940 to Cardiff Royal infirmary and in April 1940 to Charing Cross Hospital. This good work was continued after the war thanks to the faithfulness and generosity of many and in 1945 our Order found itself in possession of accumulated funds which enabled cots to be presented as follows:

October 1945:
Gloucestershire Royal Infirmary and
Eye Institution
Guy’s Hospital
London Hospital
St. Alban’s Hospital
Newbury Hospital
Bristol Infirmary

January 1946:
St. Bartholemew’s Hospital

January 1947:
St. Giles Home, Launceston, Tasmania

The 1945 cots were presented at a V.J. Thanksgiving Dinner at the Connaught Rooms on 19th October 1945. The ceremony was attended by over 70 Brethren and a reply on behalf of all recipients was made in a brilliant speech by Professor Johnson of Guy’s Hospital.

At a Court of King Purchasers on 16th January 1946, the Chief Crook, King Purchaser JP Hall, F.O., was elected King Purchaser on- the-court, and King Purchaser GN Paxton was promoted to the office of Chief Crook F.O. The vacant post of Chaplain to the Order was filled by the Rev. Sam Ford who was duly installed on 13th February 1946 and raised to the office or style of King Purchaser.

It is appropriate here to make reference and pay tribute, to those Brethren who flew the flag at home during the 1939-45 war. They kept up the good work, often in very difficult circumstances and still succeeded in enjoying themselves.


Our records for this period are sparse and we can only assume that, in the early part at any rate, this was due to the fact that most of the Brethren were more or less continually engaged in celebratory pursuits following V.E. and V.J. Days. As we know, these activities continued for a year or two after Peace broke out.

At this time, changing conditions and particularly Nationalisation, led the Court to consider other deserving causes for our charitable funds. Efforts thereafter were therefore directed throughout the country to aid those who did not benefit from National Grants and large charitable organizations and the old people, deserving youth organizations and other good causes all received assistance. There are also records of cheques being presented to a Nursing Home in Jersey (1948) and a similar gift to Le Platon Home, Guernsey (1951). It can therefore be seen that our Brethren everywhere were hard at work and also still enjoying themselves.

There were two events of considerable significance in 1952. First, Noel Paxton K.P., Chief Crook, F.O., assumed the mantle of Harman and Budge Evans Smith was raised to the office of Chief Crook, F.O., in his stead. Also and particularly thanks to the wisdom, foresight and efforts of that great Purchaser, Teddy Sothers K.P., Freddie Brown was invited to assume the very responsible duties of King Harson. It was made quite clear to the incoming Harson by Teddy that he was to hold that office at least until the time that he, Teddy was “gathered”, after which he could do as he liked. In fact, Freddie Brown was to hold office from 1952-1985, a remarkable period of 33 years, during which the Order prospered mightily and greatly increased in numbers.

In March 1960 a splendid lead was given by the Scottish Brethren when the first guide dog was presented and thereafter the Court ensured that a generous proportion of our funds should go towards the training of dogs for the blind. Dogs named Bun, Penny, Jacko and Ted were donated and Deal also gave their own dog. Unfortunately these activities were frustrated as a continuing effort as the ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’ became a ‘nationally sponsored and professional charity’ in which our

Brotherhood lost its individual contact and our efforts therefore became concentrated on small but no less worthy enterprises where personal contact could be maintained. Over the two years 1960/61 the Purchasers distributed £2,675 to various causes.

The pursuit of enjoyment was not overlooked and there was a record attendance at the London dinner in November 1961 followed by a weekend at Deal when more than forty Purchasers played golf and over sixty sat down to dinner in the Clubhouse where a raffle raised £108 for the funds. It was at a following dinner that a new ‘Purchasers Song’, written and set to music by Lt. Col. Vivian Dunn, then commanding the Royal Marines School of Music at Deal, was introduced. Its first rendering, though sung somewhat unsteadily by the Brethren, was conducted by the author, ably and vociferously assisted by John Bowley. It is significant that shortly after the event Vivian Dunn received the O.B.E. and was later knighted. He continued, of course, to act as Master of King Purchasers Music.

During this period the Purchasers continued to be a lively and active body with a greater emphasis on developing direct Regional activities, both social and benevolent. Areas such as Gloucester, Derbyshire, South Wales, Scotland, Deal, the Channel Islands and as far off as Johannesburg, Jamaica and Canada were carrying on the good work and a brief reference to their activities is made elsewhere.

1962 to date

As recorded by a previous chronicler, Budge Evans Smith retired from the office of Chie Crook, F.O., in 1975 after long and distinguished service. His place was taken by Kim Bellamy K.P., F.O., who was to discharge this arduous and highly important task for 14 years until his later election to higher office. During his time as Chief Crook many organizational changes were made to our benefit and he and his wife Bobbie established and ran the annual Purchasers’ tent at Canterbury Cricket Week every year. This proved to be a highly successful and enjoyable annual event which contributed usefully to our funds. The siting of the tent behind the great tree inside the playing field enabled assembled Members to concentrate on conviviality without being unduly distracted by the cricket. Other innovations included the issue of periodic newsletters to Members, keeping them usefully in touch with events as we go forward in good heart and good fellowship into the 1990’s.

In 1985 King Harson Freddie Brown felt that due to failing physical health he was unable to continue to carry out his duties as he would have wished and asked King Purchaser Jake Thom to continue in his place.

In December 1987, in recognition of the 33 years that Freddie had held the position of Harson, with such dignity and aplomb, a lunch was held at LORDS in the presence of 78 fellow Purchasers.

In memory of this occasion two decanters were purchased and are now displayed, filled with port and passed at each Headquarters Dinner. This is now a tradition which one hopes will last for ever.

In 1989 King Harson Jake Thorn decided to retire from this position. Unlike the nomination of the previous Harsons, it was democratically agreed at the K.P. meeting, which is held annually, that King Purchaser Kim Bellamy be invited to take over the mantle. This he agreed to do but it meant that his position of Chief Crook had to be filled. Subsequently King Purchasers Chris Denne and Graham Tardif agreed to take over this role.

In conclusion, tribute must again be paid to the many other Purchasers who have given distinguished service over the years; Jake Thom, who succeeded Freddie Brown as King Harson in 1985, and K.P.’s John Bowley, Bill Barton, Derek Campion, Douglas Duncan, Jack Harvey, George Hewetson, Charles Hopwood, Charles Newman, Herbert Rushton, Jack Short, and in particular Ted Sothers who did so much for our Society. Well remembered Brethren include John Beck, Noel (the Clerk, or if preferred Crippen) Boucher, Maurice (Moggy) Gill, Bernard and Gilbert (the Bart) Davis, Leslie Harries, Pat Jackson, Gordon Roach, Norman (Fish Biscuit) Spratt, Dan Swinden, Charlie Bowley, Tim Topping and a host of others too numerous to mention. Many of them we miss today, but happily many others are still with us. All of them have helped to build and maintain the name of the Purchasers as a byword for good fellowship and benevolence.

The object of the Brotherhood remains as given earlier in the booklet, ‘a society of cheerful friends (who are qualified) banded together for cheerful company’. The more the friends on ‘Fate’ days the more the ‘Thanksgiving’ and the more enjoyment we may be able to give to others as a result of our own.